
We want you to love your jewelry, so please reach out if there is any issue with your order so we can do our best to make it right!

Most items are eligible for a return or exchange if shipped back within 7 business days of the day they were received. Simply package up the items you would like to return in their original packaging, include the packing slip or some sort of correspondence detailing your name and order number, and mail back to the return address on your package. We would love a heads up, so we are on the lookout for your return, so please email, and let us know you have a return on the way. Return shipping is the responsibility of the purchaser and will not be refunded by Kate Meraki. 

Personalized orders, such as name bracelets or custom sizing are not eligible for returns.

Last chance sale items are not eligible for return. These items will be labeled as LAST CHANCE items or FINAL SALE items in their description details.